e Dhaka Tribune

Dhaka Tribune is an English daily newspaper of Bangladesh which is published from Dhaka. They have ePaper which is also most popular. But normal internet version is also popular than ePaper. It is an English-language newspaper. It is published nationwide from the capital Dhaka. The Dhaka Tribune was set to launch on 19th April, 2013. K. Anis Ahmed is the publisher of Dhaka Tribune and Zafar Sobhan serves as Editor-in-Chief.

It provides the readers with news about politics, law and rights, crime, development, safety, education, foreign affairs, agriculture, environment, sport, career, feature, health, travel, Juris, heritage etc. Its business section page holds news about economy, commerce, stock market, banks, regulation, money and technology. News about Lifestyle includes arts and culture, entertainment, fashion, shopping, food, relationship etc.

e Dhaka Tribune provides top-quality content for the people in general to share and discuss. Its handpicked website content include breaking news, top series, feature and blogs. Having Zero tolerance for inhumanity and injustice, it has become much popular. It tries to accommodate differing point of view being unbiased in every aspect of life. It encourages readers to express their opinion and engage them in debate. WEEKEND, ARTS AND LETTERS, TREEHOUSE, TMAG etc. are the published magazines of e Dhaka Tribune.

It has more than 148k likes on its Facebook page and 11.7k followers on twitter. It corporate office situated in FR Tower, 8/c Panthpath, Shukrabad, 1207 Dhaka, Bangladesh. www.dhakatribune.com is the website of Dhaka Tribune.


dhakatribune.com global alexa rank is 53924 And Country (Bangladesh) rank is 426

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e Dhaka Tribune Alexa Details Info

e Dhaka Tribune Global Alexa Rank

Traffic rank for www.dhakatribune.com/epaper is caculated using both average daily visitors and pageviews worldwide.
