In the month of July 2016 We are going to Publish the top 10 Newspaper websites rank . We Measured the Ranking data by alexa(a amazon company) . So we are going to show you the bd alexa rank of best newspapers. Prothom-alo keep the position of 5 in the alexa
Published: 07-03-2016, 9:46 am | Updated: 07-03-2016, 9:55 am
Bangladesh Is a well Populated Country of 156.6 million People ( Till 2013 ) . As per as we have population, We have a good Amount Of media Coverage Also. Though the Government Of Bangladesh have Recently Make a Rule to registered All Online News portal to be Registered, But still there
Published: 03-03-2016, 6:05 am | Updated: 10-11-2016, 1:53 pm
Daily Sangram ( দৈনিক সংগ্রাম ) Dhaka, Bangladesh Daily Sangram is the most oldest newspaper of Bangladesh. This is publish scinence the Pakistan country. Daily sangram is the Islamic motivated newspaper of Bangladesh. Daily Sangram ( দৈনিক সংগ্রাম ) Editor: Abul Asad Bangladesh publications ltd. Printed by: Al Falah Printing